Freedom Development Board for Kinetis KW21D, KW22D and KW24D MCUs.
- 2个FRDM-KW24D512 Freedom开发板
- 快速参考卡片
- 两根USB线缆
FRDM-KW24D512是基于恩智浦MKW24D512 Kinetis® W系列微控制器的开发平台,通过软件还可支持Thread、ZigBee Pro、802.15.4 MAC、SMAC和Kinetis软件开发套件(SDK)。FRDM-KW24D512套件包含两个电路板,支持点到点开箱即用的连接。
Kinetis MKW24D512 MCU是一款低功耗、紧凑型集成式器件,由一个符合IEEE 802.15.4的高性能2.4 GHz无线收发器和一个强大的Arm® Cortex®-M4内核系统组成,并配有数据连接和高精度混合信号模拟外设。
注意:适用于MKW2xD和FRDM-KW24D512的MCUXpresso SDK不包含任何连接软件。有关包含连接堆栈的完整SDK,请使用支持Kinetis Design Studio和IAR Embedded Workbench的Kinetis MKW2xD和MCR20A连接软件。
Freedom Development Board for Kinetis KW21D, KW22D and KW24D MCUs.
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Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
快速参考恩智浦 文档类别.
1-5 / 20 文件
快速参考恩智浦 软件类型.
1-5 / 6 软件文件
注意: 推荐在电脑端下载软件,体验更佳。