



  • 支持MPC8260 (HiP4)和MPC8280 (HiP7)处理器系列
  • 64-bit PowerQUICC® II Communication Processor, running at up to 100MHz external bus frequency


  • 32 MByte Synchronous DRAM (soldered on-board), residing on 60X bus (PBI mode) with optional parity support, controlled by SDRAM machine 1
  • 8 MB 80引脚闪存SIMM,从60X总线缓冲。Support for up to 32 MByte, controlled by GPCM, 5 V / 12 V Programmable, with Automatic Flash SIMM identification, via BCSR. Support for both ON and OFF SIMM Flash reset
  • 8 KB E2PROM,从60x总线缓冲,由GPCM控制
  • 8MB同步DRAM (焊在板上),驻留在本地总线上,支持可选奇偶校验,由SDRAM状态机2控制


  • 板载COP/JTAG连接器
  • On-board logic to support direct connection to standard Parallel Port (EPP/SPP modes) in desktop PC for debugging purposes using Code Warrior tools
  • PCI本地总线符合PCI标准2.2
  • 3 PCI slots are available to host up to three leaders/targets cards at 3.3 V only--arbitration is supported by the on-chip arbiter
  • PCI bus supports 25-66 MHz at 3.3 V devices (determined by the user)
  • 简单的通用中断控制器用于处理PCI中断(每个PCI插槽4个中断)
  • 针对所有板载模块提供模块启用指示
  • 高密度(MICTOR)逻辑分析器连接器,承载所有60x总线、本地总线和CPM信号,用于快速连接逻辑分析器
  • 带光纤I/F的FCC1上提供155 Mbps ATM UNI,通过UTOPIA级别2接口连接到PQ2,使用PMC-SIERA 5384支持单/多物理层中的8/16位器件
  • FCC2和FCC3上提供两个100/10-Base-T端口,使用Davicom DM9161控制T.P. I/F和MII/RMII
  • USB端口符合USB 1.1标准,使用Philips PDIUSBP11 USB收发器。USB Port is with shutdown option and speed selectable--BCSR controlled
  • 双RS232端口,驻留在SCC1和SCC2上


  • 5 V / 12 V VPP (in-circuit programming voltage) for Flash SIMM - jumper selectable
  • ATX电源
  • Multi-Range PQ2 internal logic operation voltage--selectable by jumper between three ranges--1.3 V to 1.7 V for MPC8280 (HiP7), 1.7 V to 1.9 V for PQ2 (HiP4) or 2.3 V to 2.7 V for MPC8260 (HiP3)


  • 专用PQ2通信端口扩展连接器用于方便工具连接,承载与收发器的M/P I/F连接所需的总线信号Use is done with 2 X 128 pin DIN 41612 receptacle connectors


  • 可以通过BCSR识别外部工具和读取状态
  • Software Option Switch provides 8 S/W options via BCSR
  • Module disable (i.e., low-power mode) option for all communication transceivers--BCSR controlled, enabling the use of communication ports, off-board via the expansion connectors
  • Board Control and Status Register--BCSR
  • 可以通过E2PROM或通过PQ2内核的闪存设定上电复位和硬复位配置
  • 可以选择通过JTAG执行上电复位
  • 可以选择本地总线功能 - 本地总线SDRAM连接,或处于主设备模式的PCI总线
  • Separate Power-On Reset Push--Button, Soft/Hard1 Reset Push--Button and ABORT Push--Button


快速参考恩智浦 文档类别.

2 文件


快速参考恩智浦 设计文件类型.

2 设计文件

