Out of the Box2
Get Software3
Plug It InYou can watch the video or follow the below step-by-step guide to set up your MCSPTR2AK396 Development Kit:
Download and install latest S32 Design Studio for S32 platform devices
Update the S32 Design Studio to the latest version
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Needs to download it from the Software Package Manager.
Select the S32K396 in the device column
Open the Integrated Software Bundle and select S32 Design Studio RTM 3.5.6_D2309
Click on Generate Bundle Installer and following the instruction
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Go to the menu and click on Help/S32DS Extensions and Updates.
Click on Manage Site
Click Add button
Click on the Archive button and select the downloaded K396 development package archive file
Click ok
Click apply and close
Select and install the S32K396 development package
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Go to the menu and click on Help/S32DS Extensions and Updates.
Select the S32K396 RTD AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 3.0.0 and install it.
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Go to the AMMCLIB web page Automotive Math and Motor Control Library (AMMCLib)
Download the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library Set for S32K3
Install the lates version of the AMMCLIB from the offer
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Go to menu and click
Select General/Existing Project into Workspace and click Next
Select the code by Browse button, check copy project into workspace and click on finish button
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Right click on the project and select the properties
Select Setting under the C/C+ Build
Select Includes and find there AMMCLIB and update it based on your installation path and version of the library
Repeat the iii for the Libraries
Build the project by clicking o the hammer icon
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By External debugger
Using on board OpenSDA debugger
short position 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12)Something went wrong! Please try again.
MCSPTR2AK396 performs better when using the FreeMASTER Run-Time Debugging Tool.
Note: Check the FreeMASTER page for the latest version.
The FreeMASTER communication driver for S32K3 microcontrollers is also needed. Download it from the Automotive SW - S32K3 - S32 FreeMASTER link in the S32K3 Standard Software Package.
Open S32DS Extensions and Updates dialog (menu → Help → S32DS Extensions and Updates), click on Add Update Sites link and navigate to FreeMASTER communication driver for S32K3 (zip file starting with "com.") on your disk.
Install FreeMASTER communication driver for S32K3.
Connect with other engineers and get expert advice on designing with the MCSPTR2AK396 on one of our community sites.
Get the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Download the S32K396 Development Package
Install the S32K396 Development Package Into the S32 Design Studio
Install the RTD Drivers
Install Standalone AMMCLIB
Import the Downloaded Code Into the S32 Design Studio
Add the AMMCLib and Build the Project
Program the Code Into the Board and Plug It In