32-Bit Microcontroller

  • 建议不要在新设计中使用本页介绍的产品。



  • Central Processing Unit (CPU32)
  • Upward Object Code Compatible
  • New Instructions for controller Applications
  • 32 Bit Architecture
  • Virtual Memory Implementation
  • Loop Mode of Instruction Execution
  • Table Lookup and Interpolate Instruction
  • Improved Exception Handling for Controller Applications
  • Trace on change of flow
  • Hardware breakpoint signal, Background Debugging Mode (BDM)
  • Fully static operation
  • Dedicated Micro-Engine Operating Independently of CPU32
  • 16 Independent Programmable Channels and Pins
  • Any Channel can Perform Any Time Function
  • Each Channel has Six or Eight 16 Bit Parameter Registers
  • Each Timer Function May Be Assigned to More Than One Channel
  • Two Timer Counter Registers with Programmable Prescalers
  • Each Channel Can Be Synchronized to Either or Both Counters
  • Selectable Channel Priority Levels

部件编号包含: MC68332ACAG16, MC68332ACAG20, MC68332ACAG25, MC68332ACEH16, MC68332ACEH20, MC68332ACEH25, MC68332AMEH16, MC68332AMEH20, MC68332AVAG25, MC68332AVEH16, MC68332AVEH20, MC68332AVEH25, MC68332GCAG16, MC68332GCAG20, MC68332GCAG25, MC68332GCEH16, MC68332GCEH20, MC68332GCEH25, MC68332GMEH16, MC68332GMEH20, MC68332GVAG16, MC68332GVAG25, MC68332GVEH25, MC68LK332ACAG16, MC68LK332ACEH16, MC68LK332GCAG16, MC68LK332GCEH16.



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注意: 推荐在电脑端下载软件,体验更佳。