正常供应 -
Linux® Point of Sale (POS) Reader.
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- USB线缆
SLN-POS-LRDR Linux POS机读卡器解决方案使您能够快速构建基于Linux的POS终端,或者添加符合PCI®和EMVCo®标准的PIN输入设备(PED)、NFC读卡器、芯片读卡器和磁条读卡器(MSR),从而支持信用卡支付。该解决方案已获得EMVCo和PCI PTS标准的预认证,让客户公司有信心一次通过认证,从而节省认证失败和重新提交的费用。
Linux® Point of Sale (POS) Reader.
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Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.