A4WP compliant high frequency wireless charging receiver\nfront end

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  • 25 V tolerant antenna input pins
  • Automatic over-voltage protection of the antenna inputs
  • 6.78 MHz compatible integrated rectifier
  • High efficiency with an active rectifier and a DC-to-DC converter
  • Integrated LDOs (1.8 V and 3.3 V up to 100 mA) with auto enable and discharge path
  • Integrated DC-to-DC buck regulator with 5 V, 1.2 A output
  • Multi-channel 12-bit ADC subsystem
  • Temperature sensor (NTC) analog interface
  • USB bus power supply detection
  • 400 kHz I²C-bus slave interface
  • Software and power-on reset of the on-chip digital controller
  • Programmable rectifier modes: active, half-active and passive
  • 2 digital General Purpose Input and Output ports (GPIOs) with open-drain outputs and up to 60 V tolerance for control and communication applications
  • 2 digital General Purpose Input and Output ports (GPIOs) with open-drain outputs and 25 V tolerance for control and communication applications
  • Protection circuitry:
    • Automatic over-power protection
    • Automatic AC short to ground for OVP option
    • Automatic DC-to-DC over-voltage protection lock out option
    • Over-temperature protection
    • Over-voltage protection
    • Under-voltage protection
    • Under-voltage lockout (for LDOs and DC-to-DC controller)
  • Specified from -40 °C to +85 °C ambient temperature
  • 3.56 mm x 3.41 mm WLCSP with 0.5 mm pitch


快速参考恩智浦 文档类别.

3 文件

