The TFF1044HN is a 10.70 GHz to 12.75 GHz Ku band down converter for use in universal quad and quattro Low Noise Block (LNB) in satellite receiver systems. The device features two RF inputs (two polarizations) and four IF outputs (up to 4 active IF paths). It integrates bias generation and control for the required external LNA stages, image rejection filtering, LO generation, down-conversion mixers, IF amplifier stages, voltage and tone detection on each IF output (for polarization and band selection) and the 4 (IF channels) x 4 (2 polarizations, 2 bands) IF matrix switch. For flexibility, the gain can be controlled in three discrete stages, the polarization of the RF inputs can be swapped and the second stage LNA biasing control can be switched from pHEMT to BJT configuration.
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