正常供应 -
PCA8565 Demo Board.
OM13519UL是PCA8565的演示板。PCA8565是一款CMOS1实时时钟和日历,适合低功耗应用。还提供可编程时钟输出、中断输出和电压过低检测器。所有地址和数据都可通过两线路双向I²C总线串行传输。最大总线速度为400 kbit/s。每次写入或读取数据字节后会自动递增内置字地址寄存器。
PCA8565 Demo Board.
发行人 | 地区 | 库存 | 库存日期 | 订购 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
快速参考恩智浦 文档类别.
2 文件