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NXP’s “connected car” technology allows cars to communicate wirelessly with each other and with traffic infrastructure, exchanging data including location, speed and direction. This allows for 360-degree driver awareness to improve road safety by reducing collisions, warning of potential hazards, and avoiding traffics jams. In April 2013, NXP, global Technology Leader in the Connected Car, and Cohda Wireless became the first automotive electronics suppliers to join leading car manufacturers in signing the landmark CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), aimed at implementing harmonized technology for wireless communication between cars, or between cars and infrastructure, in Europe. In November 2014 NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI), alongside leading industry partners and government officials, has celebrated the completion of the ‘Communicating Cars’ test drive along the Cooperative ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) Corridor spanning Austria, Germany and the Netherlands.
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