Delivers convenient in-vehicle charging up to 3x faster than existing technologiesand enhances usability for drivers.
NXP Semiconductors today introducedan innovative 15W wireless charging solution, qualified to meet stringentautomotive and industrial grade requirements. Compatible with WPC Qi and PMA chargingstandards, this complete solution allows automakers to easily transition from5W to 15W capabilities, giving drivers a faster in-vehicle charging experience formobile phones, tablets and wearables.
Accelerated and proven design
The new WCT-15WTXAUTOsolution increases charging speed by up to 3x and supports automotive specificrequirements such as AEC-Q100 Grade 2 qualification, extended temperature rangeand a 15 year product longevity guarantee. To improve driver experience andvehicle safety, the new 15W solution includes multi-coil technology to enablewide spatial freedom – flexibility of device alignment on the charging surface- and built-in Near Field Communications (NFC) integration.
The WCT-15WTXAUTObuilds on the success of NXP's 5W automotive charging solution that is already deployedin many car models rolling out this year.
"Wirelesscharging is now pervading the mobile devices market, and is expanding wellbeyond traditional consumer charging mats to include in-vehicle charging," saidDenis Cabrol, director of global marketing for NXP's microcontroller businessline. "The automotive environment brings specific challenges to thisapplication and NXP's solution offers a versatile platform for designers to addressthese challenges."
Complete solution for fast time to market
NXPsimplifies the development and certification process for customers bydelivering a robust solution that helps speed their time to market, saves themhundreds of thousands of dollars in development and certification costs andallows them to focus on innovation and usability. The WCT-15WTXAUTO solutioncomes with WPC Qi and PMA dual mode support and includes a cost optimized,production ready hardware design. The proven firmware core manages the power transfer aspectsas well as free positioning and delivers robust foreign object detectioncapabilities. The solution is tailored to operate within stringentin-vehicle operating conditions, designed to avoid potential interference withother vehicle systems such as key FOB for keyless entry, ignition and AM bandradios. The API supports seamless integration of NFC chipsets to detect andprotect contactless smart cards, CAN bus support for in-vehicle networkcommunication and is customizable for charging, communication and control.
The WCT GUIGraphical user interface tool allows for quick configuring and optimizing ofwireless charging transmitter solutions. Professional support and services from NXP arealso available upon request.
NXP's new WCT-15WTXAUTO 15Wwireless charging solution based on the MWCT101xA controller is sampling now,including both hardware and software. MWCT101xA controllers are full qualifiedand available for orders now. Contact your local NXP sales representative formore information or visit